Diablo Cam WIFI,CCCAM & bouquet canalsat Fr Bonjour a tous Je tente de remplacer ma dm500,par un ensemble TV LED SAMSUNG avec tuner SAT. Boot failure with Diablo CAM Wifi HW 2.6 UW 2.
Firstly points to consider,at the moment its a one way share ie you can receive but not send.So you are limited to premuim servers (you pay for there services), but diablo can do gbox which can do both.This guide is for cccam only. Diablo wifi is bigger than diablo lite so may stick out of your receiver.There is another diablo wifi with a built in card reader, which i have.This sticks out even more,and then when you put a card in it it doesnt go all the way in so looks like an olympic diving board. So its up to you which model to choose,if your ok with paying to c share then go for diablo wifi minus the card reader.If you,hope that in the future you can share with your new found pen pal in italy,then go for diablo wifi with the card reader. So you will need. A diablo wifi not wireless diablo,and cas 3 a good sat reciever with empty ci slot broadband connection with a wireless adsl modem.Modem must be a g or n and located near reciever. Whilst you are awaiting your diablo wifi to arrive from sat europa/laurals, just a plug as they are active here. Retune your sat reciever to make sure you have the latest channels /frequencies added Download the latest cas studio from duo labs When it arrives.
Start cas 3 software,connect cas programmer to pc with usb lead,click on cam module. Diablo when started. Firstly i highly recommend the following. In the cam disc functions,create a back up,please do this ive had format probs and they only way out of this is to do a restore back up then format. When you have done that and made a copy of your back up. Format the diablo. When done install the latest underworld,download it from this lovely forum unzip and use upgrade cam.
When done delete the keys and data bins via cam file system on cas studio. Next its time for the boring bit. Click on the diablo wifi configuration button.
Click wifi on then. Add the details needed ie your network name, ip sub mask and default gate etc,if you dont know these look under your wireless modem details should be there,for your modems isp.Then enter it into web browser,if you havent changed password again the default ones should be on a sticker under your modem.Modems page should pop up in your browser to find the info you need. Or select dchp if your modem/provider supports it.
Diablo will scan later. If in uk select the etsi. If your wireless connection is encrypted, select wpa or whatever and enter password. R kelly jay z unfinished business rar download. When you have done that and saved it. Go back to the cam file system click connect.Then on the right hand of screen,click on emu,then click on cccam. You will see cccam config file.
Upload this to your pc by,clicking on bottom green arrow to a file. Open the saved on your pc cccam config files. Do this via opening with notepad. Deleate all apart from the [hide]c:[/hide] Then post the cline you are given from freind /premuim server here. It should look like [hide] HTML-Code: c:dodgycardshare.com 1200 whatever blah [/hide] so with no spaces next to the colon in c goes the servers/friend ip address then a space then put in port number, then a space, then username, then a space, then password. When you have done this save and return to file sys of diablo as before click on emu, cccam this time use the top arrow to upload your newly created ccam file to diablo. When youve over written.
Put diablo now into you ci slot of reciever. Now turn on reciever and into the diabo menu from ci slot,using your remote do the following.
Go into cas and turn them all off Then go into diablo config and the following settings are caids auto pmt off emulators on n2 off emulators priority emu. Cards cw off smart card message never delayer 7 most important to set delayer to 7 click on, then enter 7 via remote keypad.
Then go to add on and select cccam. Next go to wifi click on access point, if using dchp it wiil scan for your wifi connection,when alll done switch off your reciever then back on.go back to diablo menu wifi settings wait a little then you should see your isp settings.you should also see cccam client connected,in the add on menu. If all ok time to test. It does take a while, say anything up to a min on certain channels if not unscrambling, turn reciever off and on. Well there you go, if ive missed anything ill correct. Ill also add a trouble shooting guide very shortly.