Laste_09.htm: isDcc: An installshield Decompiler isDcc An installshield Decompiler Advanced reversing 30 October 1998 by adq Courtesy of Fravia's page of reverse engineering slightly edited by fravia+ fra_00xx 981030 adq 0010 AD 0T Well, well, well. A 'real' reversing essay! Andrew shows us all here what's like when you seriously work on an 'our tools' project. You'll be able to download isDcc either or on. Installshield decompiling is developing into a full-fledged science, after NaTzGUL's 'bahnbrechenden'. In a sofware world where more and more processes are hidden or concealed from the users, the fact that (some) users are re-gaining control is a very positive development. Transparency and free knowledge are our (very strong) weapons, dark hyding and hideous concealing are the (very strong) weapons of our enemies.
For an InstallScript project, the command Setup.exe /s runs the installation in silent mode, by default based on the responses contained in a response file called. Download tutorial jurus tunggal baku ipsi. I want to made an Silent setup of a software. I record my response file by lauching the Setup.exe -r command. Calendar alert 3 ringtone download free. > > I want to made an Silent setup of a software. I record my response file. I don't have an INS decompiler. If you aren't the developer of that install, you should contact the company.
There is a crack, a crack ineverything That's how the light gets in. Our tools There is a crack, a crack ineverything That's how the light gets in Rating ( ) Beginner ( ) Intermediate (X) Advanced () Expert This is an overview of the main structure of isDcc. It describes howthemain algorithms work, so you should have a good understanding ofcomputeralgorithm design. IsDcc An installshield decompiler Written by adq Introduction Like wisdec, isDcc allows decompilation of a compiled installshieldscript (.ins file) into source code (.rul file). Due to the nature ofthe original installshield compiler, the 'original' source code cannotbe recovered exactly, but compilable scripts are produced, providingthe same version of the installshield compiler is used to recompilethem.
Toolsrequired GNU Emacs, and MS Visual C++ would be useful if you intend torecompile the thing. Target's URL/FTP Program History v1.00 - Initial release v1.01 - Couple of bugs fixed Essay isDcc was written with the help of wisdec v1.0, by NaTzGUL/SiraX, see NaTzGUL's. Wisdec is amasterful piece of work, which obviously involved reverse engineeringtheinstallshield compiler to discover the format of the compiled scriptfiles. I used wisdec to explore the compiled files, changing scripts, recompiling them, and observing the differences reported by wisdec.
Ittooka couple of evenings to divine the format of an installshield 2 filein thismanner. Here, I shall describe a couple of things about installshield fileswhichare essential to understand the following: • High level code structures: Some higher level codestructures (e.g. FOR, WHILE) are transformed by the installshield compiler intolower level sequences, often involving lots of gotos.• Functions: In the compiled files, functions are indicatedbya special 'function start' opcode, and a 'function end' opcode.• Function prototypes: In the header, there is a set offunctionprototypes describing each of the functions present in the file,indicatingtheir parameter types, what type of function it is (e.g. A DLLfunction, or a script function), and it's name if it is a DLL import function.Installshield scripts consist of a header, describing globalfeatures, for example function prototypes. The actual body of the scriptconsists of a set of opcodes, describing the series of operations to take.
Eachopcode has some associated information after it (e.g. For a function call, youwill find the parameters for the function call immediately after the opcode). The first thing written was a parser for the header. This code isfairly simple: it reads values in from the file, processes them, and storesthemin appropriate data structures. However, the main script decoder is rather more complex. It involvesthreepasses through the script code: The first pass actually reads the raw opcodes from the file, andtransformsthem into an internal structure describing the code.
This is implemented as a massive table-driven algorithm. The table is keyed byopcode.Each entry contains a function pointer to a specific parser function,alongwith some extra information, such as the parameter count. For an'installshieldsystem function', a generic decoder function is available, since theyall have the same format.