A few months ago, my daughter bought a U.B.Funkey. At the time, I tried to get it to run under wine, but finally gave up. Today, my son got another Funkey for his birthday, so i decided to try it again.
This time, I decided to make a brute force attempt. On the kids machine, i have installed win2k running under VirtualBox. I was able to install the Funkeys software on on the virtual machine. After downloading the USB Driver Patch from the Funkey website, and installing it; I was able to start up the Funkeys software and have it recognize the Funkeys.
My daughter then spent about 30 minutes playing with them before being reminded that it was well past her bedtime. Running xubuntu 8.04 with wine 1.1.20 (newest available today) and the funkeys program disk will auto run but gets part way through, throws an error message, and ends. I tried downloading the driver from funkeys' site and it tells me that the program is not installed and it won't load the driver. I tried on an old win98 machine and it won't run there either (min specs per funkeys is win2000 or newer so I didn't expect much). Is the only option left to buy a $150 Operating System to play an $8 toy? So here I sit with a sad little boy that wants to play.
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Nov 13, 2010 Re-install UBF in the normal manner run the patch following the instructions plugging in the hub when prompted. Samsung galaxy grand i9082 usb driver for windows 7. I had one hub that went wrong and had to buy a replacement.