Title: [PSP] Toaru Majutsu No Index [とある魔術の禁書目録] (JPN) ISO Download Game Information Japanese Title: とある魔術の禁書目録 Chinese Title: 魔法禁书目录 Publisher: Developer: Genre: Game Version: Japan CERO B (12+) Available On: Play Station Portable (PSP) Size: 462.74MB Format: ISO Players: 1 Supplier: Catalog No: ULJS-00329 Realease Date: 2011-01-27 Official Website: System Firmware: — Preview / Gameplay: Description / About This Game: Set in a futuristic world where magic and esper powers exist side by side, a battle breaks out between people who seek to obtain Index and the people who seek to destroy her. Although Index has stores of texts about ancient and powerful magic in her mind, she needs attackers on her side to ward off the people after her. All familiar characters such as Touma and Mikoto are here and there are more for you to unlock.
Explore and break through the boundaries of your power, each character have their element, if you have read the novels or watched the anime, you might already have some idea. With this game, you get some hands-on experience. Gt s55701 app download.
Toaru Majutsu no Index (PSP game) is a fighting videogame based on the Toaru Majutsu no Index universe. It is developed by ASCII MediaWorks and was released for the PSP handheld console on January 27, 2011. The video game features an original story by the author of the series, Kamachi Kazuma. The opening theme is ANSWER, performed by Maon Kurosaki.
This isn't a thread to discuss about the game ( if you guys want to, go ahead ). I'm only making this thread to ask if there's a free emulated download of the game for PC because my parents won't let me get it because they automatically dislike what I like and would likely tell me to return the game if I ever bought it with my own money. And my aunt ( who'd pretty much buy me anything if I asked ) already said a long time ago that she wouldn't buy me anything related to To Aru Majutsu no Index because she thinks it's too violent and that it's an attack on religion.
So I'm pretty much stuck in a situation where I can't get it and no-one would get it for me. Any help would be appreciated. Don't know, but please don't post links. There's a reason why I didn't mention any names. You can check URLs with sites like: (last one only checks for potential security flaws) however, even those can't guarantee 100% that a site is safe if no scanner found anything. And for the files, even the 64MiB on VT are not enough, so you're always at risk the moment you're even online on the internet in general. Edit: I would recommend backing up your data and scanning your computer with AV live CDs such as Good Windows on-demand scanners are,, and (last download at the bottom).