Click install, all of the files will be extracted to your flash drive. This may take a few moments depending on your flash drive’s speed. Click Finish and you are now done! New ships for ship simulator 2008 indir. Launching XAMPP. Launching XAMPP is very easy. Navigate to the directory on your USB drive and launch xampp-control.exe.
Did you know you can install and run a WordPress site from a USB flash drive? Well, you can, and this little-known fact is more than just a neat trick. A portable WordPress installation can actually be quite useful. Why in the world would you ever need to run WordPress from a flash drive? Shouldn’t this be filed away under “silly WordPress dev tricks” that might have marginal educational value with no real-world application and merit? Some might think so, but I can think of two scenarios where this “silly trick” proves that it has real-world merit: • You need to work on a WordPress development project locally on more than one machine • You want to distribute a copy of a WordPress site without hosting it on a web server In those two scenarios – and there may be others, those are just the two scenarios that come to my mind – running WordPress on a USB flash drive will allow you to have a portable local WordPress site for development and demonstration purposes.
A web server that offers two things: PHP and a suitable database management system. Sounds easy enough. There is a long list of local development servers like,,,, and others that will do the trick, right? While all of those options will do just fine when installed on a computer, we aren’t looking for a platform to install on a computer. PHP and MySQL packages must be designed to be portable in order to be installed on a flash drive. After extensive research, or at least extensive Googling, I have determined that there are at least three server platforms under current ongoing development that meet the minimum requirements to run WordPress and can be installed and run from a flash drive: •, •, and •.
Portable XAMPP XAMPP is the most robust and complete development system on this list and is primarily designed to be installed directly on a computer. As a result, the documentation available to help you get XAMPP set up on a flash drive is limited.
Actually, that’s a lie. It isn’t limited. There is no documentation for installing XAMPP on a flash drive, just a scattered assortment of StackOverflow discussions and tutorials on other blogs across the web. Installation is pretty easy. To run XAMPP on a flash drive download the portable or lite version of XAMPP rather than the standard edition. First, head to the and select More Downloads. Don’t download the packages on this page.
Instead, select More Downloads. Next, select XAMPP Windows to bring up a list of the available versions of XAMPP. Pick the version of XAMPP you want to install keeping in mind that the version name, 5.6.21 for example, refers to the version of PHP that ships with that edition of XAMPP. Once you’ve selected a version of XAMPP, you’ll be presented with a few different download options. Select the downloadable file that includes the word portable in the name and is executable (ends in.exe). Once XAMPP is installed on the flash drive it will work just like a desktop XAMPP installation. Next, lets install WordPress.
With XAMPP started and both Apache and MySQL running, to install WordPress do four things: • Access phpMyAdmin by going to with XAMPP running and create a new database. • Drop a fresh WordPress installation into the XAMPP htdocs directory on your flashdrive. • Edit wp-config.php to tie WordPress to the database you just created. • Edit the max_execution_time setting in php.ini.
The default value is 30 seconds. Since you’re going to be writing and fetching contents from a USB drive, bump this value way up. At first I used 120 seconds, but after exceeding that value while installing WordPress I bumped it all the way up to 600 seconds. After adjusting this value you’ll need to restart MySQL and Apache to ensure the new settings take effect. If you need detailed instructions on installing WordPress or editing PHP settings our previous tutorials on and will provide the details you need. With those four steps completed and both Apache and MySQL started point your browser at to run the WordPress istallation script. UwAmp UwAmp is designed to be an easy-to-use server much in the same vein as XAMPP.
It is a full-fledged PHP development environment you can use for WordPress or to work with any other PHP and MySQL application. One really nice feature offered by UwAmp is the ability to download, install, and run different versions of PHP automatically from the UwAmp control panel. Developing with the same version of PHP that will run on the live web server is always a good idea and UwAmp makes that easy. I can also see this feature being particularly useful to plugin and theme developers who need to be able to test their products using a variety of different versions of PHP. Installation is simple. Head to, select Download, and then select Download Exe/Install.