The fringing field has an important effect on the accurate theoretical modeling and performance analysis of microstrip patch antennas. Though, fringing fields effects on the performance of antenna. Basically, a microstrip patch antenna is composed of a trace of copper or any other metal of any geometry on one side of a standard printed circuit board (PCB) substrate with other side grounded.
The goal of this thesis is to explore dimension effects on aperture coupled antenna performance, to develop a design and tuning procedure, and to describe performance effects through electromagnetic principles. Antenna parameters examined in this study include the dimensions and locations of the substrates, feed line, ground plane coupling slot, and patch.
The operating frequency, input VSWR, percent bandwidth, polarization ratio, and broadside gain are determined for each antenna configuration. The substrate material is changed from RT Duroid (material in nominal HFSS design) to FR4 due to lower cost and availability. The operating frequency is changed from 2.3GHz (specified in nominal HFSS design) to 2.4GHz for wireless communication applications.
Required dimensional adjustments when changing substrate materials and operating frequencies for this antenna are non-trivial and the new design procedure is used to tune the antenna. The antenna is fabricated using 59mil thick double and single sided FR4 boards joined together with double sided 45mil thick acrylic tape. The antenna is characterized in an anechoic chamber and experimental results are compared to theoretical predictions. The results show that the new design procedure can be successfully applied to aperture coupled antenna design.
ANTENNA OPERATION. Figure 3-2: S 11 vs. Frequency, fo = 2.279GHz The nominal HFSS antenna model is shown in Figure 2-5.
The z axis is normal to the antenna surface, the feed strip axis is aligned with the x direction, and the larger ground slot dimension is oriented in the y direction. The angle relative to the z axis is defined as θ. The angle relative to the positive x axis in the xy plane is defined as φ.
The frequency where the minimum S 11 value occurs defines the operating frequency. Figure 3-2 shows that the center frequency occurs at 2.279GHz. The antenna is designed for 2.3GHz. PARAMETRIC STUDY.
Figure 4-1: Slot Dimensions and Variables Figure 4-1 shows an expanded view of the ground plane (orange) and ground plane slot (yellow). Slot Width Offset and Slot Length Offset are the distances from the center of the slot to a point directly below the center of the radiating patch (z-axis). Slot Width Offset and Slot Length Offset are nominally 0. The nominals lot dimensions are 0.148 λ by 0.016 λ (Slot Length by Slot Width) equivalent to 551.2mils by 61.0mils (wavelength in dielectric found with ADS2006A linecalc at 2.3GHz). Figure 5-6: Design 3 theoretical (HFSS) radiation patterns: co-pol (blue) and cross-pol (red) Figure 5-6 displays the theoretical (HFSS) co-pol and cross-pol radiation patterns for Design 3.
The total broadside gain is 5.247dB. The polarization ratio is 42.95dB normal to the antenna.
Atif aslam all mp3 songs download pagalworld. FUTURE PROJECT RECOMMENDATIONS The following list contains possible future student projects that would extend the research and testing performed in this thesis. • Design and build aperture coupled patch antennas operating at various frequencies with different substrate materials to verify the suggested design procedure.
• Use electromagnetic theory and other analytical methods to explain results observed in the parametric study. • Develop a computer program or series of graphs to show electric field propagation and development in the aperture coupled patch antenna. • Develop equations to calculate N, L, and C in the equivalent circuit model. • Perform a thorough study that compares the performance of similar microstrip fed, probe fed, and aperture coupled patch antennas. Source: California Polytechnic State University Author: Michael Paul Civerolo >> >> >> >> >.
Transmission line method is the easiest method as compared to the rest of the methods. This method represents the rectangular microstrip antenna as an array of two radiating slots, separated by a low impedance transmission line of certain length. The following effects are taken into account for this model: Fringing Effects: As the dimensions of the patch are finite along the length and the width, the fields at the edges of the patch undergo fringing i.e.
The field exists outside the dielectric thus causing a change in the effective dielectric constant. It is a function of the dimensions of the patch and the height of the substrate. For an efficient radiator, a practical width that leads to good radiation efficiencies is, Conductance: Each radiating slot is represented by a parallel equivalent admittance Y(with conductance G and susceptance B). The slots are labeled as Θ1 and Θ2. The equivalent admittance of a slot is given by, Y1 = G1 + B1 Where for a slot of finite width (W) For, Since both the slots are identical, its equivalent admittance is; Y2= Y1, G2=G1, B2=B1 The conductance of each slot can be obtained by using field expression from cavity model. In general, the conductance is defined as The above list of equations obtained from the transmission line model can be used to calculate parameters for analysis and synthesis of antenna.