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Comodo Silent Installation Command

суббота 16 февраля admin 75

− All trusted vendors except 'Comodo' and 'Microsoft' are absent after binary update from CIS 8.4 to CIS 10 − Cygwin fails at post-install scripts and apps like Dash, Bash become unresponsive / consume abnormal CPU usage.

Dilto pagal hai full movie download. Sabki baaratein aayi sad song mp3 download free. First, you really don't need an antivirus for Ubuntu unless you're planning on dealing with windows files and/or systems. You can download Comodo Antivirus from their, and choose your architecture 32bit or 64bit. Once downloaded, just press Ctrl+ Alt+ T on your keyboard to open Terminal. When it opens, navigate to where the file was downloaded (probably the Downloads folder), and run the command(s) below: sudo dpkg -i.deb I would recommend ClamAV. To install run in terminal sudo apt-get install clamav sudo freshclam sudo clamscan Or click.


In Ubuntu 12.04 the command to run the script begins with 'sudo' because you have to run the script with administration privileges. The command you type out in the terminal is: sudo /opt/COMODO/ Then enter your password. Then just keep clicking 'enter' to scroll down and see the 'more' of the EULA, until you get to where it tells you Comodo has been successfully installed and the terminal prompts you for a fresh command for something else. Now close the terminal and you are done. It worked for me.