Find Class 1 Driver Training in Canada Visit Kijiji Classifieds to buy, sell, or trade. Do you need to upgrade your driver's license to haul your 5th or drive your. Contact any Manitoba driver licencing office or phone 985-1100 to obtain information. Criminal Record Check Submit your applications as soon as possible to ensure it is processed and the information is received by the Taxicab Board prior to your taxicab driver’s licence expiration.
Welcome to the Newcomer Driver Education Program at IRCOM Are you seeking a Class 5 driver’s licence? We’ are here to help! In partnership with Manitoba Public Insurance, the Immigrant and Refugee Organization of Manitoba Inc. (IRCOM) offers the Newcomer Driver Education Program for immigrants and refugees who have been in Canada for less than 3 years. This is a unique program that helps Newcomers to obtain their drivers’ licences. We will help you develop the skills you need to drive safely and confidently and avoid the dangers of the road.
It is mandatory that you write the English Language Assessment Test before registering for the Taxicab Driver Training Program. There are no exceptions. Due to limited seating, you must register in advance by visiting St. James Continuing Education office which is located at John Taylor Collegiate 470 Hamilton Avenue. A non-refundable testing fee of $15 must be made at the time of registration.
Payment may be made by cash, debit card, Visa or Mastercard. This test is usually held on a Tuesday. You are required to sign in 15-30 minutes before testing with a piece of photo identification. You are given only thirty (30) minutes to complete the test.
A passing mark of at least 42 out of 45 must be obtained to register for the Taxicab Driver Training Program. Delete temporary internet files privacy guard free. For more information contact St. James Continuing Education 204-832-9637. If you fail the ELA test, you have two more opportunities to write it. If you fail a second time, you will be required to wait six months before re-taking the test. If you fail a third time, you must contact the Adult Language Training Center at 204-945-6300 or visit the 400 – 275 Portage Avenue for further English testing. You will be required to write an English proficiency test.
If your proficiency test results are satisfactory, you will be able to register for the Taxicab Driver Training Program. If you fail the proficiency test, you will be required to attend English as an Additional Language Second Language (E.S.L.) classes until a satisfactory level of English skill is acquired. The Taxicab Driver Training Program is a 44-hour course that will cover the Taxicab Act & Regulations, quality customer service, the taxicab as a business, geography planning routes, driver personal safety, transporting the disabled and defensive driving.
You must achieve a minimum pass mark of 80% on the final exam. 100% attendance is also required for successful completion.
The tuition fee is $300 and is payable at the time of registration (includes initial examination fee). Please contact John Taylor Collegiate-Continuing Education at 204-832-9637 (8:30 a.m – 4:30 p.m.) or visit 470 Hamilton Avenue to register or for further information. In consideration of The Accessibility for Manitobans Act (AMA) and consumer safety concerns, the Taxicab Board (Board) has approved new and enhanced training for existing and new taxicab drivers. The Taxicab Board has approved an additional full day Accessibility Transportation Training program for all taxicab drivers that will be mandatory and delivered by the Independent Living Resource Centre (ILRC). The training will enhance drivers' knowledge with dealing with persons with a variety of disabilities.