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Ces Edupack 2013

пятница 30 ноября admin 74

About The most attractive feature of this package is its large database of materials and process information. Sustainability for Eco-design is included in the package alongside others functions in a wide range of engineering subjects areas including general and mechanical engineering, manufacturing, materials science and engineering, industrial and product design, etc. This feature is particularly beneficial for material selection during design and conducting product LCIA.

CES EduPack 2013 is a program developed by Granta Design Limited. The software installer includes 66 files and is usually about 844.22 KB (864,484 bytes). March 20-21, 2014. The Symposium is coordinated by Granta Design. It is supported by the advisory committee, ASEE Materials. Division, ASM International.

Unfortunately, the database cannot be modified by the user, and the software package’s function of eco-audit tool is limited. In product definition stage, only materials, primary process, and mass can be defined. There are only five selectable options which are landfill, down cycle, recycle, re-engineer, and reuse. Meanwhile, recycle content can be defined from 0% to 100%. Transport and use also can be defined based on the database. In the transport type, options are simple and not diversified. Figure 1 shows the product definition and results of the CES eco audit.

Also, the results of eco audit tool are limited to tow eco-indicators (energy and CO2 footprint) only, which comes from Eco Audit methodology from Granta, and the database of CES itself. The results of these two eco-impact values of five stages in product life cycle are presented as a bar chart, and corresponding data are shown in a table below the bar chart. Nonton naruto episode 166-175 subtitlle indo.

I've made quite a bit of progress with running CES EduPack 2013, with thanks to the help of Bugzilla users. It has progressed beyond the scope of bugzilla though, and I've moved it here. The whole 'story so far' can be found at In summary though: I'm running 64bit linux so I made a 32 bit Wine prefix. I used winetricks to install dotnet2 I started installation of CES EduPack 2013 and it completed without a hitch.

It's setup also installed dotnet4 and Microsoft Report Viewer 2010 Afterwards I would get the error at splash screen 'Dao libraries are not registered. Consult the user area of granta website for more information' I installed jet40 using winetricks, as per suggestion of bugzilla users This got me into the actual program but then: It would crash after the error 'CES has generated a.Net error. Value cannot be null. Parameter name: encoder' I installed gdiplus and windowscodecs with winetricks Now the current error causing it to crash is 'CES has generated a.Net error: A generic error occurred in GDI+' And this is where I am now. The logs are included in the bug report I linked at the beginning but I can attach them here too if any one asks.

Ces edupack 2013

Thanks everyone. From the last comment in the bug report, it appears you have a messed-up wineprefix and are using a patched version of Wine. So the first thing you need to do is reinstall to a clean 32 bit wineprefix using plain, unpatched Wine. Install dotnet20 and jet40 to the wineprefix before your app, but no other winetricks (yet). In case you're about to tell me you haven't patched Wine: are you using the Ubuntu packages?

If you are, then you are using a version with unsupported patches. If that's the case, you will need to build Wine yourself to get a clean version.